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Matrix Repatterning, Pain Resolution Centre

Welcome to the Pain Resolution Centre

Dr. LaPierre uses Matrix Repatterning as a primary therapeutic system to address and resolve your pain.

At the Pain Resolution Centre...


What is Matrix Repatterning?

Modern research has shown that the body which is composed of bones, muscles, soft tissues and organs makes up a continuous fibrous network known as the body's matrix.  

When our bodies sustain a physical impact, these structures, especially bones, become rigid and create local areas of tension called primary restrictions.  An accumulation of injuries over the course of one's life can result in significant structural imbalance and pain. 


Matrix Repatterning identifies and locates the primary restrictions and then utilizes a gentle manual therapy to release the restrictions which will restore function.   ​

One of my colleagues Dr. Kimberly Schmidt, also a chiropractor, explains it this way.

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